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Failed loading XML... Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 1 and head EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' Specification mandates value for attribute data-voc-vam attributes construct error Couldn't find end of Start Tag span line 1 Opening and ending tag mismatch: body line 1 and span Specification mandates value for attribute data-voc-vam attributes construct error Couldn't find end of Start Tag span line 1 Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 1 and span Specification mandates value for attribute data-voc-vam attributes construct error Couldn't find end of Start Tag span line 1 Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 1 and span Opening and ending tag mismatch: img line 1 and span Opening and ending tag mismatch: span line 1 and div Opening and ending tag mismatch: div line 1 and span Specification mandates value for attribute data-menu-usuario-login Namespace prefix xlink for href on use is not defined Namespace prefix xlink for href on use is not defined Namespace prefix xlink for href on use is not defined Namespace prefix xlink for href on use is not defined Namespace prefix xlink for href on use is not defined Namespace prefix xlink for href on use is not defined Namespace prefix xlink for href on use is not defined Namespace prefix xlink for href on use is not defined Namespace prefix xlink for href on use is not defined Namespace prefix xlink for href on use is not defined Namespace prefix xlink for href on use is not defined Namespace prefix xlink for href on use is not defined Namespace prefix xlink for href on use is not defined Specification mandates value for attribute data-menu-alerta-login Opening and ending tag mismatch: span line 1 and div Opening and ending tag mismatch: img line 1 and span Opening and ending tag mismatch: span line 1 and div Opening and ending tag mismatch: div line 1 and span Specification mandates value for attribute data-desplegable-navegacion Specification mandates value for attribute data-desplegable-navegacion Specification mandates value for attribute data-desplegable-navegacion Specification mandates value for attribute data-desplegable-navegacion Specification mandates value for attribute data-desplegable-navegacion Specification mandates value for attribute data-desplegable-navegacion Specification mandates value for attribute data-desplegable-navegacion Specification mandates value for attribute data-mostrar Specification mandates value for attribute data-cerrar EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' Opening and ending tag mismatch: img line 1 and figure AttValue: " or ' expected attributes construct error Couldn't find end of Start Tag aside line 1 Opening and ending tag mismatch: span line 1 and aside EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' Opening and ending tag mismatch: img line 1 and span Opening and ending tag mismatch: span line 1 and a Opening and ending tag mismatch: a line 1 and li EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' Opening and ending tag mismatch: img line 1 and span Opening and ending tag mismatch: span line 1 and a Opening and ending tag mismatch: a line 1 and li EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' Opening and ending tag mismatch: img line 1 and span Opening and ending tag mismatch: span line 1 and a Opening and ending tag mismatch: a line 1 and li EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' Opening and ending tag mismatch: img line 1 and span Opening and ending tag mismatch: span line 1 and a Opening and ending tag mismatch: a line 1 and li EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' Opening and ending tag mismatch: img line 1 and span Opening and ending tag mismatch: span line 1 and a Opening and ending tag mismatch: a line 1 and li Opening and ending tag mismatch: li line 1 and ol Opening and ending tag mismatch: li line 1 and aside Opening and ending tag mismatch: li line 1 and span Opening and ending tag mismatch: li line 1 and span Opening and ending tag mismatch: li line 1 and span Opening and ending tag mismatch: ol line 1 and main Specification mandates value for attribute data-voc-vam attributes construct error Couldn't find end of Start Tag span line 1 Opening and ending tag mismatch: aside line 1 and span EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' Opening and ending tag mismatch: input line 1 and section Opening and ending tag mismatch: section line 1 and footer Opening and ending tag mismatch: br line 1 and span Specification mandates value for attribute data-cerrar Specification mandates value for attribute hidden Opening and ending tag mismatch: span line 1 and body Opening and ending tag mismatch: footer line 1 and html Premature end of data in tag span line 1 Premature end of data in tag figure line 1 Premature end of data in tag span line 1 Premature end of data in tag main line 1 Premature end of data in tag span line 1 Premature end of data in tag div line 1 Premature end of data in tag link line 1 Premature end of data in tag link line 1 Premature end of data in tag link line 1 Premature end of data in tag link line 1 Premature end of data in tag link line 1 Premature end of data in tag link line 1 Premature end of data in tag link line 1 Premature end of data in tag link line 1 Premature end of data in tag link line 1 Premature end of data in tag link line 1 Premature end of data in tag link line 1 Premature end of data in tag meta line 1 Premature end of data in tag meta line 1 Premature end of data in tag meta line 1 Premature end of data in tag head line 1 Premature end of data in tag html line 1

Failed loading XML...

Failed loading XML... Specification mandates value for attribute crossorigin Specification mandates value for attribute crossorigin Specification mandates value for attribute crossorigin Specification mandates value for attribute crossorigin Specification mandates value for attribute crossorigin Specification mandates value for attribute crossorigin xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name EntityRef: expecting ';' xmlParseEntityRef: no name EntityRef: expecting ';' xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name EntityRef: expecting ';' xmlParseEntityRef: no name EntityRef: expecting ';' xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name EntityRef: expecting ';' xmlParseEntityRef: no name EntityRef: expecting ';' xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name EntityRef: expecting ';' xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name EntityRef: expecting ';' xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' EntityRef: expecting ';' xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name xmlParseEntityRef: no name StartTag: invalid element name StartTag: invalid element name Attribute type redefined Specification mandates value for attribute nomodule attributes construct error Couldn't find end of Start Tag script line 1 Opening and ending tag mismatch: body line 1 and script Specification mandates value for attribute nomodule attributes construct error Couldn't find end of Start Tag script line 1 Opening and ending tag mismatch: html line 1 and script Extra content at the end of the document

A través de esta noticia queremos advertir de los riesgos implícitos en el consumo de carne picada. ¿Qué es carne picada? “la preparación de la carne con objetivos culinarios, desmenuzándose y cortándose los músculos, grasas y nervios mediante picadora de carne ”. En las primeras fases de la cadena, sacrificio y eviscerado, la carne puede contaminarse con una gran carga de bacterias. A modo de ejemplo; las vísceras de los animales portan bacterias como la Escherichia Coli.

Para prevenir el crecimiento bacteriano la temperatura de mantenimiento y transporte de la carne picada debe ser Ta70oC, durante un tiempo suficiente para eliminar la carga bacteriana.

Igualmente se incorporan aditivos y/o conservantes químicos.

Basados en Reglamento (CE) no 853/2004 para ayudar a que el alimento retenga sus propiedades organolépticas.

Una vez comprado se debe conservar a una temperatura refrigerada que oscile entre 0-4oC.

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